Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The word Renaissance is derived from the word "La Rinascita", which means Rebirth. The era lasted between the 15th century till the early 17th century. Renaissance originated from Florence, Italy. It preceeded Gothic Architecture and was succeeded by Baroque Architecture. Filippo Brunelleschi is considered as the innovator of the style. Renaissance Architecture quickly spread through out Europe, though each country added their own touch to the design. Buildings built during the Renaissance era are known for their boxy symmetrical designs and repetitions. They made orderly arrangements seem like the new "in" thing. In order to achieve the orderly design, they decided to section the details in boxes, thus creating a clean look. They made use of aedicules, which was also seen in Gothic architecture. In terms of arches, they used a semi-circle arch. A semi-circle arch is an arch that is not fully closed, instead, it is like a protractor. I can say that Renaissance is a little iffy for me. I love the idea of orderly arrangement, but only to a certain extent. When the whole structure is symmetrical, it seems boring (in my opinion). Personally, the only symmetrical thing I would have in my structure is.. Well, it's situational actually. But with the styles in the present day, it's hard to envision something symmetrical (If you don't include hotels/apartments). It seems too bland for me, I wouldn't be able to express myself the way I would want to.

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